hii guys!!!hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! today hor, hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! today super funny siax!!! lol.. today, at sch got award day.. thn i got top in d&t lorhh.. thn need go up stage.. thn vry ps lorhh.. haii.. nvm heng over le.. hahahahahahah.. thn, teacher give us result slip bck le.. haii.. i vry scare siax.. lol..thn i see.. Wow.. improve le.. lol.. lvl position is 5 thn class position oso 5.. hahahahahah.. thn get finish certificate right.. need take voncher frm one teacher.. lol.. thn voncher inside got only $15 popular voncher.. nvm lorhh can buy assement bk at popular lorhh.. hahhahah.. thn i go 2n1.. stay in n1.. nvm.. haii.. thn after sch, went imm with f.f kx n sm.. thn we went to eat pepper lunch.. after eating, sm went home thn me kx n f.f go walk walk lorhh.. so sian marhh.. thn f.f decided to go bbt shop.. hahahahahahahahahah.. f.f like 1st time go bbt shop like that lorhh.. i order mine 1st.. thn f.f second.. hahahahahahah.. thn the conversation in f.f n the auntie started le.. hahahahahahahahahah!!! auntie say : what drinks do you want? f.f say : chocolate.. auntie say : what chocolate? ice blended? milk tea? f.f say : dunwan.. i wan chocolate!!! auntie say : dunwan ice blended and milk tea, thn WHAT YOU WAN SIAX??? [the face like vry diao and funny le] kx n me : laugh until like mad lorhh!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! kks.. nxt funny part is.. we decided to walk bck home thn whn we reach toh guan de block dwnstair hor, f.f wanna talk to kx right but kx walk away to other side thn f.f talking to de wall!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! thn other wan is.. kx keep acting the screaming ppl screaming!!! hahahhahahahah super funny lorhh.. thn i make hor, f.f say too sharp le.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!Anyway guys!!! HAPPY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!! ENJOY YR HOLIDAYS TOO!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH.. HAVE A NICE AND WONDERFUL HOLIDAYS!!!
finally know the password.. hahhaha.. bye do update guys!!! xiaoxuan here!